Add Some Dimension to your Deadlands: Lost Colony Games with New Figure Flats

Published On: June 9, 2020Categories: News

Add a little character to your game tables with this all-new set of print-and-play Deadlands: Lost Colony Figure Flats.

For just $4.99 USD, this collection contains more than 40 individual pieces of science fiction Western art for use at both 25mm and 40mm scale (your PDF reader needs to be able to show layers to switch between the 25mm and 40mm scale).

This set contains heroes like Debbi Dallas, Colonial Ranger, Pilot, Syker, Salvager, and Breaker plus Anouk Scout, Shaman, and Warrior.

To fill out the ranks of Extras there are plenty of EXFOR and Hellstromme Industries Soldiers, Walkin’ Dead, Space Pirates, Diggers, and even more Anouks (heck, you can never have enough Anouks!)

And for foes, choose between the many critters of Banshee, like prowlers or the dreaded ga’aknouls, or even take on Vanessa Hellstromme herself!

Bring your tabletop to life (or something that looks like it, in some cases) with our easy-to-store, easy-to-transport Deadlands: Lost Colony Figure Flats. Available in our store, now!

And don’t forget, you have just three weeks left to join in the preorder to get your copy of Deadlands: Lost Colony (and Wendigo Tales: Book One) in print. Shipping starts mid-July so visit the PledgeManager today!