All-New Goodies for Deadlands: The Weird West

Published On: July 14, 2020Categories: News

This week, we’ve got a couple hot new PDFs for Deadlands: The Weird West in our store including Infernal Device & Adventure Cards and a dozen new (or revised) Deadlands-specific Power Cards, both of which are priced at just $4.99!

The Adventure Cards offer players the opportunity for a big reversal, a sudden twist, or a dramatic intervention, while the Infernal Device Cards provide players with all the info they need for some of the contraptions they might acquire on the trail.

The Power Cards set include a dozen new or slightly revised Powers to print out and add to your existing Savage Worlds Power Cards Deck. Cards in this set include ammo whammy, banish, barrier, curse, holy symbol, numb, object reading, protection, puppet, sanctify, trinkets, and wilderness walk.

Pick up these two new PDF card sets today to help keep the action Fast! Furious! and Fun!