Bring the Fear—Embrace the Fear Agent™ Kickstarter!
They’re wrong about space, you know—everyone can hear you scream. If you’re really lucky, you’ll get to hear their screams and not your own. Grab a blaster, fasten your bubble helmet, and get ready for some Fright Checks, because the Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has begun!
When the earth falls as a side effect of a war between two alien races, what’s left of humanity finds a galaxy of terror and adventure we never knew existed! And if you can’t get your planet back, at least you can get revenge!
Start your journey at the Fear Agent™ Kickstarter—see what backer levels, rewards, and Stretch Goals await you in the cold night of Dark Horse’s pulp sci-fi setting. There’s not just a bonus-sized book, but minis, Bennies, and so much more!
The Fear Agent™ Kickstarter is only half of our Kickstarter Double Feature! Be sure to get a gander at The Goon™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter, too. Both are only here until April 17, so fire up those rockets and get to it!