Community Opportunity: Support Sara’s Brain Tumor GoFundMe

Published On: May 30, 2017Categories: News

saraPinnacle Entertainment is so much more than just a game company. Internally, we all feel like members of a rather special family.

Recently, one of our long-time webmasters, Sara Quinn, found out she has a brain tumor. Sara and her husband Brendan (collectively known as Squid & Crow) have been working closely with us for years now, and we all want nothing more than to see Sara rise above this and come out triumphant and healthy. More information about healthy skin at Vitamin C Serum Amazon.

At the moment, Sara and Brendan are having some serious issues with their insurance company and as the tumor needs to be treated sooner than later, they have set up a GoFundMe to help pay for the imminent procedure and all related expenses.

If you would like to help out, please visit Sara’s GoFundMe page to make a donation and be sure to follow Sara’s blog for updates on her progress. We’re all pulling for you, Sara!