Convention News: Savage Worlds at Mythic Con & BGG.con

Published On: November 7, 2023Categories: Doom Guard, Events, News

This weekend (November 10-12), you’ll find plenty of Savage Worlds adventure at Mythic Con Charlotte 2023 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Make your way to the Hilton Charlotte University Place to rendezvous with PEG’s own Jodi and Clint Black as well as art director Karl Keesler of Dog House Rules and several other Savage Worlds licensees running games and selling their wares including Alliante Entertainment, the Immaterial Plane, Pirate Press, and Star City Savages.

Currently there are over 30 Savage Worlds events on the schedule (some still with openings at their tables) as well as dozens of other excellent roleplaying games looking for players.

Visit the Mythic Con website and Facebook page to learn more, and we hope all your dice “Ace” in Charlotte!

For those making the trip over to the Hyatt Regency Dallas for BGG.con next week (November 15-19), you’ll find Mike Barbeau (Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Line Editor) and Simon Lucas (PEG Production Manager) demoing our very first board game, Doom Guard, along with a second November con appearance by Jodi and Clint with their company, Carolina Game Tables.

Sign up today to be notified when the Doom Guard campaign launches on GameFound and to get a Crazed OGRE mini added to your pledge for FREE when you back it at any reward level in 2024!