Dawn of the Savage Universe!

Published On: March 28, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, Events, Licensee, News

This year, as Savage Worlds celebrates 20 fantastic years of “Fast, Furious, Fun,” we are launching SavageUniverse.com: a one-stop destination for licensees to highlight and promote their contributions to the ever-expanding Savage Worlds community!

Premiering this Thursday, March 30th, SavageUniverse.com will offer improved access to our marketing channels so that contributors can link to their publisher pages, products, and media channels. A living calendar will also offer a convenient way to highlight all upcoming crowdfunding campaign dates, actual play livestreams, podcasts, conventions, and much more!

For more information, please contact JM DeFoggi, our Savage Universe Community Manager, and watch for the launch of this new and exciting second party nexus this Thursday!