Deadlands Helpin’ Hands Bundle

Published On: March 24, 2020Categories: News

Y’all have been mighty good to Pinnacle through the years, and in these tough times we’d like to give you a little somethin’ back in the form of our Helpin’ Hands Bundlegratis!

Since a fair number of you may be shut in for a while, we thought you might enjoy the Explorer’s Edition of Deadlands: The Weird West to keep you company.

Yes, a new edition is on its way, just as soon as the Reckoners’ latest attempt to bring us low is over (and we’d certainly appreciate it if you take a gander when we go live with that), but for now, please enjoy these complimentary PDFs of two of our all-time best-selling books: the Deadlands Marshal’s Handbook (Explorer’s Edition) and Deadlands Player’s Guide (Explorer’s Edition).

And for those now gaming on virtual tabletops, you can also play Deadlands online with your friends! We recommend our partners over at Fantasy Grounds, who have a brand new and absolutely FREE Unity version that you and your compadres can try. Best of all, it’s built from the ground up to handle Savage Worlds.

We hope you enjoy your stroll through the Deadlands, amigos. Stay safe, stay healthy, and welcome to the Weird West.

~ Shane and the Entire Pinnacle Crew

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