Deadlands Minis—Walkin’ Tall and on the Wall

Published On: March 29, 2012Categories: News

Texas Ranger (Female)WallcrawlerSure, the Weird West is a place full o’ danger and doom. Terror lurks under every rock and ’round every corner. Woe stalks men down the trail like the vengeful skeleton of a horse left for dead. But it’s also a place of equal opportunity, partner!

Sometimes, Law can be just as much a lady as Luck. Bring her to your table with the new Female Texas Ranger mini. Even if her eyes are more stunning than steeley, her gun’s filled with the same hot lead, and she’s already got a date with Justice. Perhaps you best do as she says or just move along.

O’ course, equal opportunity ain’t all well and good—sometimes it just means you can be jumped from any angle, up, down, or sideways. There’s no better way to bring that to your game than with the new Wallcrawler mini. Sure, you watch your back in a fight, but the ceiling!?

Be sure to check out Reaper’s Savage Worlds miniature line for anything you mighta’ missed, amigo.