Deadlands Noir Companion Available for Print and Bundle Preorder!

Published On: March 12, 2013Categories: News

Deadlands Noir Companion PreorderAs if you weren’t excited enough last week when we announced that the Deadlands Noir Companion PDF was available, now you can preorder the printed Deadlands Noir Companion from our partners at Studio 2 Publishing!

For those of you who want it all, we’ve also put out the Deadlands Noir Companion Print-PDF Bundle. Get an immediate download of the PDF, a preorder of the printed book, and a discount for buying both at the same time. Remember, our bundles go away when the printed version is available, so don’t delay.

Of course, the Deadlands Noir Companion PDF is still available from the Pinnacle PDF Store, Studio 2 Publishing, and DriveThruRPG/RPGNow.

This is your chance to make sure you’ve got a friend coming to join you in the dark and desperate times of Deadlands Noir, and you can’t afford to pass up an opportunity like that!

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