Deadlands One Shot: Black Water Now Available
If you’ve been waiting for the next boot to fall for the Deadlands One-Shots, brace yourself harder. Black Water is less like a boot falling and a little more like a shotgun blast to the chest throwing you through the plate glass of the Awesome Deadlands Comics Saloon!
A rich businessman seeks the woman haunting his dreams with an obsession—one that will take him, and those unfortunate enough to tag along, on a perilous journey not all will survive in this final Deadlands One-Shot from Image Comics and Visionary Comics. It’s another Weird Western masterpiece with wordsmith Jeff Mariotte (Desperadoes) and pencil-slinger Brook Turner (GOLLY!) partnering up for a wild ride through the Great Maze! The backup series also wraps up the origin of Billy the Kid in the worlds of Deadlands!
It’s on sale now, and I don’t know what kind of Back-East tinhorn would let himself miss it!