Deadlands Trail Guides & Manitou Bluff Make Their Return!
Print versions of Return to Manitou Bluff and Deadlands Trail Guides, Volume 1 are now in stock and ready to ship, amigos.
Return to Manitou Bluff is an adventure for Legendary Rank heroes, including all the people, places, and plots you need to run this epic tale. Take care, amigo! Things aren’t always what they seem, and sometimes death—or somethin’ worse—is hiding just around the bend. If your Legendary posse is looking for more excitement after completing The Flood, there’s no better place to send ‘em than Manitou Bluff!
If you’ve got a ghoulish sort of curiosity, you might want to check out the Special Perdition Supplement of the Tombstone Epitaph. Read what the finest paper in the Weird West has to say about Clover Mesa without spending a nickel—plug, wooden, buffalo, or otherwise.
In the first three Deadlands Trail Guides, now compiled into one volume for ease of reference, you’ll take a tour of the less-traveled Weird West with your Epitaph correspondent Phineas P. Gage. This book includes Trail Guide: South o’ the Border, Trail Guide: Great Northwest, and Trail Guide: Weird White North.
Each Trail Guide offers you a closer look at the people, places, and—perhaps most important—things you’ll see in each region. And don’t forget the mini-Plot Point Campaigns and Savage Tales in each, as well. You’re bound to have fun or die tryin’!