The Original Weird West Roleplaying Game
Welcome to the Weird West of Deadlands, the original horror western roleplaying game!
In this award-winning, best-selling setting, gunfighters, braves, hucksters, martial artists, shamans, mad scientists, the blessed, and more square off against far more than desperate bandits. An event called “The Reckoning” awakened an ancient evil, and you’d best hope the howls you hear on the High Plains are just a pack of ravenous wolves.
The heroes of the Weird West join with the secretive Twilight Legion in the distant outposts, chaotic boomtowns, and lonely settlements of the West to fight evil and quell the fear that gives the Reckoners their power.
So gather your posse of heroes and hit the trail, from the frozen north to the arid deserts of the Southwest, from the industrial East to the fractured canyons of California’s “Great Maze.”
The Weird West awaits with adventure, mystery, and more monsters than you can shake a Peacemaker at.
The Wild West. Great expanses of earth await in the remnants of the American Frontier. A sometimes lawless land where gunslingers and opportunists can make a name for themselves.
As if the harsh, unsettled landscape was not enough to claim the life of even the bravest soul, the Weird West throws supernatural creatures and events at travelers just as often as it does bad weather.
With the cataclysmic discovery of ghost rock, society has leapt forward in technological ability, sometimes for the good of mankind, sometimes to its detriment.
Best Roleplaying Rules
Origins 1996
Best Roleplaying Adventure
Origins 1997
Best Roleplaying Game Supplement
Origins 2007
Who Will You Play?

Gunslingers need no introduction. In the volatile lands of the Weird West, there are few problems a couple of pistols can’t solve.

These wizards of the Weird West call themselves “hucksters” after the snake oil salesmen who so successfully pull the wool
over the public’s eyes.
Blessed are people who have been granted supernatural abilities. Some are priests or actual clergy while others are simply chosen for the nobility of their struggle or their soul.

Mad Scientist
Pioneers on the bleeding
edge of the New Science
create and manufacture new inventions every day. Some wish to sell their designs to Hellstromme Industries, Smith & Robards, or even the
United States Army.

Agents operate in the shadows and operate independently in the field. Individuals are assigned specific cases and track those down wherever
they lead. The higher an Agent’s grade, the more dangerous the missions.

Every so often, when a cowpoke’s number comes up, an evil spirit from the Hunting Grounds captures the departing soul, drags it screaming back into its corpse, and prods it
to crawl back out of the grave—whether the host wants to or not!
And many more, including:
- Agent
- Chi Master
- Explorer
- Hexslinger
- Medicine Woman
- Territorial Ranger
- Warrior
- Bounty Hunter
- Metal Mage
- Ranger
- Cowgirl
- Muckraker
- Native Scout
- Sawbones
- Shaman
- US Marshal
- Vaquero
- Voodooist
- Witch
- Wrangler
- Buffalo Hunter
- Gun for Hire
- Ranch Hand
- Desperado
- Pistolero
- Wandering Preacher
- Mysterious Stranger
- Drifter
- Tinhorn
- Camp Cook
Best Graphic Representation
Origins 1996
Best Vehicle Miniature
Origins 1998
Best Figure Miniature
Origins 1998
This history ain’t our history. There are some familiar favorites like the gunslinger, the priest, sheriffs, and shaman. But you’ll also find Hucksters, witches, mad scientists, metal mages, and more. There is no end to what you’ll see in the land of the quick and the walking dead.
It’s now 1884 in the official timeline. The Civil War ended in 1871 at the Battle of Washington, an epic conflagration of steam and steel. The Great Rail Wars are over as well, finishing not with a whimper but the bang of Dr. Darius Hellstromme’s ghostfire bombs at the gates of Lost Angels.
From here, it’s up to you.
But Don’t take our word for it
How far are you willing to go? I guess that depends on if you’re the type to tiptoe into the water to get a feel, or dive in for an adventure.

Virtual Tabletop

Foundry VTT
Fantasy Grounds


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