Deal Your Players In with the All-New Adventure Deck

Published On: March 5, 2019Categories: News

Put the power to change the story in the hands of your players with the newly-updated, 54-card Savage Worlds Adventure Deck!

This print-and-play PDF deck of cards gives your players the ability to instantly find essential items, increase damage (or eliminate it altogether), recharge Power Points in a FLASH, or even betray their best friends in order to gain a slight edge on the field of battle.

Add the Savage Worlds Adventure Deck to your Game Master’s arsenal today!

The Savage Worlds Adventure Deck is designed for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.

You’ll find the Adventure Deck available for preorder at, but your best deal is the Savage Worlds Essentials Boxed Set! The Essentials Box contains the Adventure Deck and Power Cards, Status Cards and Status Tokens, plus the World Builder and Game Master’s Guide, a hardback, trifold, landscape GM Screen + Mini Settings, our new Oversized Action Deck, Transparent Cone and Blast Templates, dice, Bennies, Power/Ammo tracker dials, BookmarksCombat & Chase Maneuvers Quick Reference Chart, and a “Red in the Rain” poster!

The Essentials Boxed Set is $99.99 in PledgeManager, but releases for retail sale at $149.99. Once you complete your preorder purchase (with a copy of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition core rules, of course–there will be room in the Essentials box for you to store it later), you can request complimentary PDF copies of everything inside!