Dive Into 50 Fathoms with Steve is Board on YouTube

Published On: July 31, 2018Categories: News

Savage Worlds on the WebWe love to world build here at Pinnacle and we often put as much time, energy, and care into developing our settings as we do our fast, furious, and fun game mechanics.

In one of the latest episodes of the Steve is Board show on YouTube, Steve discusses the richness of the 50 Fathoms Plot Point Setting and explains how easy it is to adapt it to other popular tabletop fantasy roleplaying games!

“The best Dungeons & Dragons pirate adventure book is… for the Savage Worlds RPG! 50 Fathoms is a setting sourcebook detailing the pirate fantasy themed world of Caribdus. Fit for D&D 5e, or any other generic or fantasy RPG that you want to plunder some booty with on a seafaring adventure.”

Watch the entire episode here and our thanks to Steve for giving 50 Fathoms a well-deserved shout out!