Doomtown Starter Decks Now on DriveThruCards
Here’s your chance to take control of the streets and buildings of Tombstone and show who runs the most dangerous boomtown in the West. The Weird West!
These all-new Doomtown Starter Decks get you and your posse started right in on the action! Optional boosters add even more cards and options for each of these starter decks. The cards in these decks contain updated flavor text to reflect story developments, as well as the promo art for each card in the deck that’s received such a treatment! Whether brand new to Doomtown or a longtime fan, these decks and their associated boosters are a great addition to any collection!
Doomtown is an expandable card game set in the Deadlands™ universe. Based on the classic collectible game, Doomtown puts you in charge of one of six factions vying for control of this Weird West boomtown: Law Dogs, Outlaws, Fearmongers, Entrepreneurs, Anarchists, or First Peoples. Use poker hands and card pulls for everything from gunfights to summoning abominations.
And note that the Base Set, Saddlebag, and Pine Box expansions from all previous releases by AEG and Pinnacle Entertainment Group are legal with these brand new Starter Decks to get you and your posse right in on the action.
Purchase the new Doomtown Starter Decks and boosters from DriveThruCards, slap leather, and get ready to show Tombstone who’s boss in the Weird West!