Dragon Con + ReaperCon = One Great Savage Worlds Official Event Program!
Recently we launched Savage Worlds Official Events, an exciting new program to help better coordinate all those Savage Worlds games being run at your favorite online conventions.
Through Savage Worlds Official Events, you can earn rewards for running and playing games, unlock achievements, and get exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming Savage Worlds releases.
This coming weekend (Labor Day weekend here in the United States), ReaperCon “LIVE” Online and Dragon Con Online 2020 will offer Savage Worlds games and seminars, and the Savage Worlds Official Events Con Crew are coordinating GMs and players for both conventions.
There are also rumblings of a Con Crew panel at ReaperCon, so be sure to keep your eyes on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the Discord servers for ReaperCon and Unofficial Savage Worlds for details as they develop!
*** Con Crew Panel at ReaperCon – Friday, Sept. 4th 9–10pm Central ***
Go to https://reaperconlive.com/faq#discord to find the instructions on how join their Discord server. Then go to the “Panels” section of channels and look for the voice channel “Panels and AMAs” to watch. Participants will type questions in the chat titled “Panels-and-AMAs.” On-camera panelists: Shane Hensley, Creator of Savage Worlds and Deadlands, Jodi Black, COO for Pinnacle, Dr. Amy Marshall, VTT Project Manager, and the Con Crew: Chris Landauer, Chris Fuchs, and Dustin Hatchett. Moderated by ReaperCon.
To begin earning your Savage Worlds Official Events loyalty rewards, Game Masters and Players should e-mail us at [email protected] for additional information on how to get started.