End of the Semester for East Texas University on Saving Throw

Published On: November 13, 2018Categories: News

Last night, Monday, November 13th, the special, three-night East Texas University “Undeclared” mini-series wrapped up on Saving Throw’s Twitch channel.

This streamed presentation of the adventure Last Rites of the Black Guard used the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules and featured the cast of Saving Throw’s weekly Deadlands stream, WildCards.

Several of us from Pinnacle were in the chat answering questions each night as Game Master Jordan Caves-Callarman introduced the players to a number of revised and brand new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rules ranging from additional uses for Bennies, combat variants, alternate skills, powers, and revised conditions.

Check out the entire series on the Saving Throw Twitch channel, over on YouTube, or listen to it as an audio-only, actual play podcast.