ETU Hits Finals with Kelley’s Bane One-Sheet

Published On: November 25, 2014Categories: News

Kelley's Bane One-Sheet Adventure for East Texas UniversityWhat a long strange trip it’s been. I can’t believe we started out at East Texas University together earlier this summer, and now we’re finished.

That’s right, folks. With Kelley’s Bane—the new One-Sheet Adventure for ETU—we finish up all the stretch goals from the East Texas University/Degrees of Horror Kickstarter. But that doesn’t mean it’s the end. We’ll always be Best Fiends Forever! Keep watching for more things from Pinebox and its local university…or it might sneak up on you!

Speaking of Kelley’s Bane, what do you do when people start turning up headless around campus? Well, the heads aren’t missing so much as they just aren’t attached any more. But, still, that doesn’t seem like something you’ll want in the next recruiting brochure, does it? Get the latest totally free One-Sheet Adventure for ETU for a low-prep round of campus adventure. Just watch out, because some things actually go “bite” in the dark!