Explore Scientorium’s Wonders in The Last Parsec

Published On: December 16, 2014Categories: News

Scientorium PDF for The Last ParsecFind lost technological treasures and knowledge beyond Known Space’s understanding in the library of Scientorium. This mammoth artifact lies hidden by sheer distance and forever shrouded from the minds of the curious. It’s strange experience chambers offer passage to millions of histories on millions of worlds, secrets and technologies undreamed of. Mysteriously abandoned except for its automated security systems and enigmatic caretakers, its workings are strangely twisted and jealous, meting out reward and punishment in equal measure.

Scientorium is a setting book for The Last Parsec. It contains new locations and characters for the epic journey to find Scientorium, new Setting Rules for the library’s many wonders, a Plot Point Campaign, Savage Tales, and detailed insight into the world of the reclusive Librarians.

The Scientorium PDF is available immediately, but the printed versions of the book are still on the Last Parsec Preorder Page! You can still preorder the whole Last Parsec line-up, including adventures, the GM Screen, tokens, all three system books (Eris Beta-V, Leviathan, and Scientorum, each with its own Plot Point Campaign), and custom dice, Bennies, and miniatures! Check it out today.