Fantasy Companion for Savage Worlds GameChanger Campaign Recap

Published On: April 12, 2022Categories: Crowdfunding, Fantasy Companion for SWADE, News
With the first week down and two more weeks to go, our GameChanger campaign for the new Fantasy Companion for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition is already fully funded, PLUS you’ve unlocked a half-dozen incredible Stretch Goals (with a seventh on the horizon):

🐉 UNLOCKED! $10k: 16 pages of Expanded Ancestries (More Pages in the Book, More Pawns!)

We cover all the core ancestries plus new ones such as infernals and half-giants, but we’ve got designs and playtest notes for more, such as the graveborn, minotaurs, mouselings, ogres, and more! Unlocking this stretch goal adds about a dozen MORE pages to the Fantasy Companion ancestry section and at least 10 more unique pieces of art to our Pawns set.

🐉 UNLOCKED! $20k: Set of 12 “Advanced” Archetype Cards

We’ll create 12 new archetypes in an advanced set for character types like alchemists, beastmasters, and shamans.

🐉 UNLOCKED! $30k: “The Turning of the Leaves” PDF adventure by Brian Reeves

What goes best with your Fantasy Companion for Savage Worlds? A new scenario for your heroes to play:

The Turning of the Leaves: A strange rage is affecting the normally-docile fey and forest animals around the village of Axefell. Unless the heroes can track down the source, the isolated villagers are doomed!

🐉 UNLOCKED! $40k: Adventure Deck Cards

A set of 4 cards with fantasy genre-specific rules for your Savage Worlds Adventure Deck!

🐉 UNLOCKED! $50k: Dungeon Classics: More Monsters! And Pawns!
Over 16 more pages added to the Fantasy Companion and at least 10 more unique pieces of art to our Pawns set.
🐉 UNLOCKED! $60k: Allies & Adversaries Cards

A set of quick-to-access 3.5″ x 5″ cards with art on one side and the most important statistics on the reverse.

Please note that the Fantasy Companion GameChanger ends Tuesday, April 26th at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific, so you still have plenty of time to get in on this campaign or upgrade your existing pledge. And remember, anything (and we do mean ANYTHING) from our store can be added to your reward level and benefit from the reduced shipping we have for you. What a deal!