Fantasy Grounds for Savage Worlds on Steam

Published On: September 25, 2012Categories: News

Savage Worlds on SteamIf you’ve ever wanted to play the award-winning Savage Worlds roleplaying system through the highly-popular Steam web gaming engine, you just may get your chance!

Steam Greenlight gives you the chance to decide what becomes available. The RPG gaming utility Fantasy Grounds is on Steam Greenlight, and you can vote for it now! If it gets voted in, Fantasy Ground’s robust support for Savage Worlds online becomes Steam’s robust support for Savage Worlds online!

Oh, I probably forgot to mention that Fantasy Grounds also supports other roleplaying systems, too. You know, little things like D&D and Pathfinder—I mean, just in case you’re into that kind of thing. We won’t judge.

Yes, I want to hear about new products, sales, and news from the community!
