Fast, Furious, ACTION with SWADE on FoundryVTT

Published On: December 12, 2023Categories: News, VTT

For those using Savage Worlds on FoundryVTT, the expert devs there have recently updated the SWADE Core Rules module to take advantage of “Actions!”

Actions are shortcuts to common things your hero can do during the game that apply Situational Rules in a quick, easy-to-use fashion. Actions for things like Disarm, Grappling, Jumping, Natural Healing, Pushes, Suppressive Fire, and Networking have all been added to the Special Abilities compendium. These abilities are now included with new Characters by default (on the Actions tab of the character sheet), though this can be turned off in settings.

Actions can also trigger macros. Now, the Jack of All Trades action activates a new macro. This macro tries to match the skill with the compendium configured by the Core Skills setting by name. FoundryVTT has also added a healing macro to the healing power to adjust Wounds, and the Fear and Poison special abilities now grant actions that can be used to prompt resist rolls or inflict conditions via macro. They have even provided a Fear action to prompt resist rolls and the Fear table macro to bestiary entries that have the Fear ability.

Get a piece of the Action with the latest upgrade to the SWADE Core Rules module on FoundryVTT!

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