Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter Complete!

Published On: April 18, 2017Categories: News

Fear Agent for Savage Worlds Kickstarter ProjectThe Fear Agent™ for Savage Worlds Kickstarter has ended! Thank You, Everyone! With your support we’ve reached our goal and we’ve had a ton of fun along the way.

You unlocked Form-Fillable PDF Character Sheets, PDF Archetypes, Custom Combat Options Chart (in both PDF and print), Creature Cards, and Form-Fillable PDF Table Tents. These released stretch goals are great along with the usual extra goodies such as the kick-ass Miniatures, Bennies, Game Master’s screen, new adventures, and more.

Things will quiet down here for 2–3 weeks while Kickstarter collects your pledges. In the meantime we will keep you updated as the final steps happen—keep an eye on the Fear Agent™ Kickstarter Updates page for news. Don’t worry, your group will be fighting Zerin Raiders, Dressite Soldiers, Tetaldian Invaders, and other aliens as soon as possible!

Thanks again, friends. We appreciate your support!