Final Frightful Week of Our Savage Worlds “Spooky Season” Sale

It’s the final frightful week of our “Spooky Season” Sale and we’re offering diabolical discounts on some of our scariest settings for Savage Worlds!

You have until this Friday, November 1st, to crawl through the virtual aisles of our online store and stock up on print and PDF copies of some of our creepiest core rulebooks and shocking supplements for an incredible 20% OFF!

Dig up discounts on DeadlandsEast Texas UniversityFear AgentThe GoonHoller: The Appalachian ApocalypsePinebox Middle SchoolRippers, the Savage Worlds Horror Companion, the Savage Tales of Horror adventure series, and Weird Wars!

No tricks, just plenty of treats, all this week in our store.

Have a safe and very Happy Halloween! 🎃