Final Full Week of Our Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Celebration Kickstarter

Published On: July 18, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, News

Next Thursday, July 27th, at 8pm Eastern, our spectacular Savage Worlds 20th Anniversary Celebration Kickstarter will come to an end!

As of this writing, we are rapidly approaching $200K and thus far, your efforts have unlocked a number of super Stretch Goals and amazing Add-Ons including:

🎲 A 3 ½” x 5″ Player’s Journal to help you chronicle your hero’s journey from Novice to Legendary.
🎲 A convenient Fold-Out Combat Options Chart that lists all the assorted options available to characters during combat.
🎲 GM Card Stands for displaying Action Cards in combat.
🎲 A set of five Player Status Cards added to the Player’s Box.

We’ve got LOTS more coming your way over the next few days including the cover reveal for the fifth Player’s Book!

We’re far from done celebrating 20 years of Savage Worlds, so if you haven’t jumped into our latest Kickstarter yet, head over there to review the various Stretch Goals and Add-Ons, and pledge your support today!