Final Week for the Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds PledgeManager
Hail and well met, adventurers!
This is the FINAL WEEK for you to access the PledgeManager and complete your orders for Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds!
At last count, there were about 150 original Kickstarter backers with incomplete orders, many of whom are international backers who left some items in their cart or stopped their orders mid-upgrade.
We can only complete your carts if the net is $0, so please be sure to double check your order status and let your friends know that they need to click the green “COMPLETE” button at checkout, or their order will not ship.
Additionally, this is also last call for any potential late backers! This is the cheapest shipping we’ll ever be able to offer, and US backers pay no extra shipping for Add Ons.
Finally, for retailers, our preorder portal opens soon! Be sure to sign up for our retailer newsletter here so you get the chance to order and have product shipped before retail release.
Thank you again for your patience and here’s to incredible adventures in the world of Golarion!