Flash Gordon™ Preorders End Tomorrow, May 30th

Published On: May 29, 2018Categories: News

Attention, Freemen of Mongo!

The Pledge Manager for The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game closes tomorrow, May 30th and once it’s done, it’s done!

Preorder the Flash Gordon™ RPG Limited Edition Collector’s Box Set (Kickstarter Exclusive!), a sturdy premium cardboard case containing Limited Edition hardcover printings of The Savage World of Flash Gordon™ RPG and the Flash Gordon™ RPG: The Kingdoms of Mongo sourcebook, a landscape, trifold GM Screen plus adventure, two Combat Maps (each double-sided and wet–, dry–, and permanent marker–erasable) double Action Decks, Bennies, and a set of polyhedral dice.

The preorder is through our post-Kickstarter survey at PledgeManager.com, which allows late backers to join in the fun! At this reward level, you also get all the Flash Gordon™ PDFs and unlocked stretch goals including the Map of Mongo, Cliffhanger cards, bookmarks, a combat reference chart, pre-generated archetype characters, and two propaganda prints.

Also, check out all the stellar upgrades and add ons like the customizable Air Scout Rocket Ship model kit from our friends with Impudent Mortal. And the set of official Flash Gordon™ 28mm metal miniatures including Flash, Dale, Dr. Zarkov, Emperor Ming, Princess Aura, Barin, Vultan, and Thun, plus three Imperial Soldiers in different poses.

If you’ve been thinking of upgrading your existing Kickstarter pledge or joining the fight against Ming the Merciless now, visit the Pledge Manager today before it blasts off into the Imperial Vortex.

Long live, Flash!