FREE Fear Agent™ RPG One Sheet Adventure: Routine Extermination!
So you want to fight nasty aliens with the Fear Agents, but not sure you’re up to the task? Look no further, friend!
One Sheets for Savage Worlds give a Game Master a short adventure she can read and run that night! The name comes from being able to print the adventure on one sheet of paper (front and back). It includes the setup, backstory, bad guy stats, and some tips on running it.
Routine Extermination gives a glimpse into the world of the Fear Agent™ RPG: gainful employment for your scrappy heroes and a twist worthy of the comics themselves!
The Henrovians’ orbital mining array has been overrun by malfunctioning worker bots, and it’s led to a costly operational shutdown. The aliens are willing to pay nicely to have the heroes eliminate the corrupted equipment.
Of course, the owners might not be telling the team everything …
Want more? Check out the Kickstarter for the Fear Agent™ RPG!