Game Geeks Review of Holler for Savage Worlds plus an Actual Play

Published On: May 17, 2022Categories: Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse, Media, News

In the latest installment of Game Geeks (episode #339), host Kurt Wiegel bravely wanders into Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse for Savage Worlds!

If you’re curious about this new setting, and want to learn a bit more about the area’s mysterious “Big Boys,” the toxic Blight, the mutant cryptids that roam the woods, and the horrible haints that leer from abandoned shacks and lonely cliffs, carve 12 minutes out of your day today and give Kurt’s review a look-see!

Additionally, Adventures in Lollygagging is continuing their ongoing live play of the Holler plot point campaign, with the latest episode, Blasted Beauty 03, available now for your eyeballs and ear holes.

Please be aware that this series is positively brimming with spoilers, so if you’re hoping to play through the campaign down the line, best to sit this one out, but feel free to forward the links on to your GM.

Watch for new installments live on TheLollygaggers Twitch channel, Monday nights at 9pm Central!

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