Glowing Reviews for Fear Agent™ and The Goon™

Published On: May 2, 2017Categories: News

KS_Cover_DoubleThey like us! They really like us!

While our Kickstarters for Fear Agent™ and The Goon™ successfully wrapped just two weeks ago, both games have already been reviewed over on and we couldn’t be happier.

Resident reviewer Cedric Chin gives Fear Agent™ and The Goon™ high marks while also offering concise overviews of the contents of each core rulebook. Of Fear Agent™, Chin writes: “Fear Agent™ is not just a Savage Worlds supplement for Fear Agent™ fans, but can also be used for generic science fiction roleplaying.” And as for The Goon™ plot point campaign: “Overall, this is a rolicking unique supernatural adventure any offbeat gangland wannabe hood would enjoy, even one unfamiliar with The Goon™ comics!”

We don’t want to spoil too much more, so pop over to to check out these reviews for yourself.

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