Happy Holidays from All of Us Here at Pinnacle Entertainment Group

Published On: December 22, 2020Categories: News

Before we lose you to trimming the tree, wrapping presents, baking cookies, and all those other fun holiday traditions you and your family observe, we wanted to take a moment to thank you all for what you have done for us, Savage Worlds, and the Savage Worlds community throughout this particularly trying year.

2020 was difficult for many, and while staff at Pinnacle faced challenges and grief this year, the company as a whole is better than ever. That’s due to the amazing friends we’ve made worldwide with our games, and the joy we hope you feel when playing them. Whether you were backing our very successful Kickstarters for Deadlands: the Weird West and Blood Drive: A Deadlands Booster Campaign, participating in Hollerween (our first official Savage Worlds online convention), streaming content from our Savage Worlds Media Network, purchasing or downloading new items from our store, supporting our many amazing licensees, welcoming new players and Game Masters in our forums or other online platforms, or simply playing loads of Savage Worlds games with your friends using your favorite virtual tabletops, you kept Savage Worlds alive and growing throughout 2020, and the future looks very bright indeed!

We look forward to a new and much safer year in 2021 that will (hopefully) see us back together at our game tables and maybe even conventions.

For now, though, we’re going to step back for a couple weeks to celebrate the season. While our website never closes, please note that we will have limited customer service through January 3rd, so plan accordingly.

From all of us here at Pinnacle, Happy Holidays and may all your Wild Dice Ace in the New Year!