Hollerween 4: The Return of Our FREE Online Savage Worlds Convention

It’s time once again to celebrate all things gruesome and ghastly for Savage Worlds with another haunting Hollerween – Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s FREE, in-house, online convention! From Thursday, October 26th through Sunday the 29th, celebrate spooky season with a long weekend of ghoulish gaming delights.

Savage Worlds and horror go hand-in-hand with settings and supplements like Deadlands, Rippers, Weird Wars, East Texas University, Pinebox Middle School, and the new Horror Companion.

Four years ago, we launched Hollerween as a special nod to one of our other action-horror settings, Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse.

The Savage Worlds Official Events Discord server will be our main hangout during Hollerween, so join up now to be ready for announcements, chats, games, tricks, and treats.

Game Submissions are now OPEN for Game Masters and FREE event tickets will be available for players as games are approved.

We look forward to seeing you all around the virtual game tables for Hollerween 4! 🎃