Irongate Kickstarter Now With More Limited Edition Box Sets

Published On: July 3, 2018Categories: News

After a very exciting launch (fully-funded in less than an hour), our “Booster” Kickstarter for the new 96-page Irongate sourcebook for The Last Parsec is off and rocketing through the stratosphere!

On top of that, while we started the Kickstarter with 40 Limited Edition hardcover box sets, we sold out completely within the first couple days, but incredibly, while organizing and packing for Gen Con, the Studio 2 Publishing crew stumbled upon a few more cases of The Last Parsec hardcover core books meaning that we are now offering additional Limited Edition box sets for those who missed out!

If you were hoping to get one of these Limited Edition box sets, pledge now (there are less than two weeks left in the Kickstarter) or simply upgrade your existing pledge. Once these remaining sets are gone, they are REALLY, truly gone for good!

Our thanks to everyone who has already pledged their support for Irongate.