It’s Almost Time for Gen Con 2024!

Published On: July 9, 2024Categories: Deadlands, Events, News

We’re just a few weeks from Gen Con (the Best Four Days in Gaming™) and this year, Pinnacle Entertainment Group has some exciting stuff lined up for attendees!

First of all, we have almost 30, one-hour Deadlands: Dark Ages Test Drive events on the schedule, all being GMed by notable members of our team including Darrell Hayhurst, Brian Reeves, Donald Schepis, and Simon Lucas.

The village of Saltun along the Devon coast has remained suspiciously untouched by the Danes’ vicious raids. A local ealdorman offers 30 wolf hides to the adventurers to pose as merchants and find out how they have escaped Northmen raids for so long, and what foul bargain they struck to secure their safety.

While half of these sessions are currently “Sold Out,” you’ll find several more on the event schedule with plenty of room at the tables.

Second, Saturday evening starting at 5pm, join us for our latest What’s Up With Pinnacle panel!

What’s new and exciting, what’s Fast, Furious, and Fun? Meet the Pinnacle Entertainment Group crew. We’ll talk about upcoming events and answer your burning questions about all things Savage Worlds.

Between games and events, make your way into the Exhibit Hall to visit Studio 2 Publishing in booths 1929 and 2029. There you’ll find Savage Worlds box sets (including the 2024 ENNIE Award-nominated Pinebox Middle School Box Set), core rulebooks, supplements, and accessories including dice, Bennies, miniatures, and more.

Finally, just a few aisles away, Jodi and Clint Black will be at the Carolina Game Tables booth (2947) showing their new heirloom quality, wing-backed Premium Game Master’s Dragon Chairs which FUNDED THE FIRST HOUR over on BackerKit.

We look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis for Gen Con 2024!