It’s Raining Virtual Friend and Foe Tokens for Deadlands: the Weird West

Published On: September 1, 2020Categories: News

We know that many of you—especially now—use virtual tabletops to game with friends across the globe, or even to manage combats in face-to-face games using a tablet or laptop.

While we are always quick to recommend the fantastic, and fully-integrated Fantasy Grounds, for those who use other services we’ve created these three VTT token sets for use with Deadlands: the Weird West or your other favorite Western settings.

Find your heroes (and a number of big bads) in the VTT Deadlands: the Weird West – Character Tokens set offering more than 50 tokens with gorgeous art from Deadlands: the Weird West and the Deadlands: the Weird West Companion.

Drop a few nightmares into your towns, ghost rock mines, and hidden valleys with the VTT Deadlands: the Weird West – Monster Tokens set boasting more than 30 fully-illustrated creeps and critters formatted as individual graphics for use with the VTT of choice.

And for the ultimate “full body” image collection, the VTT Deadlands: The Weird West – Pawns set includes all the heroes, villains, and monsters from the cardboard punchboard miniatures created for the Deadlands: the Weird West Pawns Boxed Set. Note: the VTT Pawns includes full body images for all the tokens released for the Characters and Monsters of Deadlands: the Weird West!

Add a little character to your Deadlands: the Weird West games on your virtual tabletop of choice with these three token sets, available in our store today!