Jeannine & Aaron Acevedo Need Your Help

Published On: January 25, 2022Categories: Charity, News

Many of you here know the name “Acevedo.”

For several years now, Aaron Acevedo has been Pinnacle’s Art Director. Crack open most of our published games and supplements and you’ll see his name there among the credits. Not too long ago, Aaron’s amazing wife, Jeannine also worked here as a Production Assistant in our Customer Service department, and many of you probably interacted with her back then. They are both very much a part of our Pinnacle family.

Well now, Jeannine and Aaron need your help.

For some time, Aaron has been dealing with Stage 4 kidney failure, and throughout, Jeannine has been his rock. Everything changed this past December when Jeannine was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive and terminal form of brain cancer, and now Aaron is providing around the clock care for her.

Winning the fight against cancer is about giving joy, comfort, and love in the face of uncertainty. It is about uplifting friends when bad things happen to good people. The Acevedos are most definitely good people, and we can all uplift them right now by easing their suffering and worry, making Jeannine’s final days that much brighter and warmer, and bolstering Aaron for the many challenges ahead.

Please visit their gofundme page and donate today.

Join us in making a difference for Jeannine and Aaron. 🎗️