Legend of Ghost Mountain Playtest Files Are Ready

Published On: March 21, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, New Release, News, The Legend of Ghost Mountain

If you were one of the many generous supporters of Legend of Ghost Mountain on Kickstarter back in February, you should now have access to both the Legend of Ghost Mountain core book and the Ghost Warden Archetypes—enough to get you playing the game and kicking the proverbial tires to see what works as well as where we missed the mark.

Our new system for gathering and collating your feedback is helping us better sort through all your enthusiastic comments and insight. You can use this system (Legend of Ghost Mountain Survey Form and the Ghost Warden Archetypes Survey Form) to highlight any of the following:

  • Misspellings
  • Typos
  • Missing characters or words
  • Incorrect punctuation
  • Awkward wording
  • Incorrect page numbers
  • Art covering text
  • Items appearing on the wrong layers
  • Game value issues (Pace, Parry, Toughness, etc.)
Post feedback not related to any of the above in the Legend of Ghost Mountain Feedback ForumThis includes:
  • Confusing rules text
  • Feedback on game rules
  • Contradictions between sections of text
  • Anything not listed here or above

Please note that even though other products from this campaign will show up in your Downloads, those will link to a placeholder file as we get them all polished and packaged.

If you missed out on the Kickstarter, you can now preorder almost everything through GameChanger.

We appreciate your help in making Legend of Ghost Mountain the absolute best it can be! 🐉