Let’s Hear It for Another Savage Review!

Published On: June 21, 2017Categories: News

Tales of Horror 2 Cover Reviews on the webIt’s always nice when enthusiastic and thorough reviews of our products pop up online and its even more thrilling when said reviews are of materials we published a while ago as it shows that people are still finding that there’s loads of fun to be had in our back catalog.

Case-in-point, all three volumes of our popular Savage Tales of Horror line were originally unleashed upon the world back in 2015, and DriveThruRPG featured reviewer, Cedric C., has just posted a terrific review of Savage Tales of Horror: Volume 2.

Of one of the tales, LARP of Horror, Cedric writes: “LARP of Horror stands out as a scenario new gamemasters and players should try for their first games of Savage Worlds.” See if you agree with Cedric’s review and then grab your own copy of Savage Tales of Horror: Volume 2from our store (available in hardcover and softback)!