Licensee News: Seven Worlds for Savage Worlds
If you’re looking for a little more “science” in your science fiction, Seven Worlds is a unique campaign and setting that combines hard science fiction with the Fast! Furious! Fun! style of Savage Worlds!
With a galaxy-shattering campaign reminiscent of TV shows like The Expanse, Babylon 5, and Battlestar Galactica, new rules for realistic space combat, dozens of easy-to-understand sidebars sharing the science behind the adventure, and a free 3-D starmap, Seven Worlds is a new science fiction experience you do not want to miss.
Visit the Seven Worlds Kickstarter page today for more info, to check out the backer rewards and stretch goals, and to pledge your support for this amazing new setting. Plus, if you want to try out Seven Worlds before committing, you can grab the FREE Seven Worlds playtest rules right here.