Licensee Spotlight: Atomic Ninja Studio’s Two-Year Anniversary
Over the past two years, “Ace” licensee Atomic Ninja Studios has produced dozens of monthly One Shot Wonders adventures, new rules supplements, and character archetypes available through DriveThruRPG.
In celebration of this milestone, they are currently offering the following:
First up, check out the latest installment of the Fillion Manor series! The action begins directly after the events of Shadow of Fillion Manor, where the players will level up their characters from the previous installments to see the aftermath of the mid-summer festival disruption and the fallout from Baron Grask in Fillion Manor: Legacy of a Fallen Knight as well as receiving several new items of power! This Fantasy One Shot adventure is available for FREE now through this Saturday, May 29th.
Second, last year, Atomic Ninja celebrated their first anniversary with the release of the One Shot Wonders Anniversary Vol 1 bundle, which contained their first year of adventures in one easy package. They got such positive feedback that they’ve decided to do it again this year! Presenting One Shot Wonders Anniversary Vol 2, collecting their full second year catalog together for one easy purchase.
Atomic Ninja Studios wishes to thank all their fans for two years of support, and they look forward to many more releases in the years to come!