Licensee Spotlight: Battlefield Press, Inc. Launches Kickstarter for The Dinosaur Protocol

Published On: March 13, 2018Categories: News

Savage Worlds licensee, Battlefield Press, Inc. is thrilled to announce the Kickstarter launch of The Dinosaur Protocol.

Sometime in the 21st Century, something broke the world. Mankind fled the surface, retreating into vast underground shelters where they could wait out the centuries until the Earth was habitable once more. But when we emerged from the darkness and prepared to retake our world, it was not as we remembered it. Something has happened to the world that once was. In the centuries without man, nature wound back the clock, returning the planet to an earlier, cleaner, more primal age. An age of dinosaurs!

Now humanity must choose – do we fight to reclaim our past, or do we make peace with the present and embrace a simpler future? Armed with the skills and technologies of our ancestors, do we struggle to recreate past glories, or will we use the second chance we have been given to avoid the mistakes of the past? Will human nature even give us the choice? Will we exterminate the reborn dinosaurs, enslave them, or something else? What will be your Dinosaur Protocol?

The Dinosaur Protocol will present a bestiary of prehistoric life, rules for encountering, battling, and wrangling dinosaurs, details on how to carve your own settlement from the primeval jungle, rules for scavenging ruined cities and ancient installations, and a guide to the World Reborn… Everything you need to create your own Dinosaur Protocol campaign.

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