Licensee Spotlight: New Trailer Park Shark Attack Supplements for Savage Worlds
Ace licensee Dog House Rules (Frontier Towns: Fort Griffin Savaged, Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch) has just unleashed a shiny new ‘Parker Pack for use with Trailer Park Shark Attack – their disaster shark adventure designed for use with Savage Worlds.
🦈 ‘Parker Pack #4 (the “Made Four Florida Edition”) features 24 new victims ‘Parkers! This pack includes two PDFs: the new ILLUSTRATED card design, plus the non-illustrated design that matches the original TPSA character deck. Use all 24 Florida ‘Parkers as a complete character card set or combine them with your favorite ‘Parkers from the original set or ‘Parker Packs #1, #2, and #3. No matter how you assemble your deck, these ‘Parkers are certain to become shark snacks!
To accompany this, DHR has also released a set of Paper Minis and DIY VTT Tokens for ALL the characters found in ‘Parker Pack #4.
Find all these new ‘Parkers and more at DriveThruRPG, but don’t forget your shark repellent!