Licensee Spotlight — Savage Roles: Exemplar

Published On: August 25, 2020Categories: News

Creating a character for Savage Worlds can sometimes be a daunting task for both new and veteran players.

Players often look for guidance on creating a character with a specific function in their party. Savage Roles: Exemplar introduces the Exemplar Role and the subsequent Warlord and Oracle Classes.

The Exemplar excels at inspiring, buffing, and supporting their party. An Exemplar may not independently dominate combat, but they ensure their allies can take on any challenge. If you enjoy playing a character who makes the party better than the sum of its parts, the Exemplar is for you! 

Savage Roles: Exemplar includes a new Role, two Classes, over 25 new Edges, and plenty of advice on how to build the best character.

Level up your Savage Worlds campaigns with Savage Roles: Exemplar from Ace licensee Dead Squadron Games available now from DriveThruRPG.