Licensee Spotlight: SPQR Games

Published On: October 17, 2017Categories: News

Guild of Shadows Kickstarter CampaignIf you’re a fan of thief-based fantasy such as the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks, Michael J. Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations, or Scott Lynch’s Locke Lamora novels, or if you simply yearn for the good ol’ days of The Complete Thief’s Handbook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Guild of Shadows from our friends with SPQR Games and slotzo games is for you!

In Guild of Shadows, players take on the roles of guild members, planning and executing high-end robberies, confidence schemes, smash ‘n’ grab jobs, information gathering assignments, and even the occasional assassination. The Guild of Shadows campaign setting brings a variety of new thief specialties to the Savage Worlds core rules including smuggler, pickpocket, burglar, swindler, enforcer, spy, and assassin. More than 30 custom Edges and Hindrances also bring these rogues to life.

Since successfully Kickstarting the setting, SPQR Games has expanded Guild of Shadows with multiple adventures, detailed city maps, battlemaps, and much more all available via DriveThruRPG. More recently, SPQR Games released an all-new adventure titled Zeppelin Falls that takes characters into the air in a heist set aboard Kurstwahl’s very first airship.

Find out more about SPQR Games and the Guild of Shadows setting at their Facebook Page.