Licensee Spotlight: The After from Fainting Goat Games

Published On: August 11, 2020Categories: News

After last year’s successful Kickstarter, the 244-page PDF of The After is now available from DriveThruRPG.

Published by licensee Fainting Goat Games (Improbable Tales, The YOUniversal Monsters Omnibus), The After is a 244-page setting of frontier action in a post-apocalyptic world.

The After is set in the northwestern reaches of the broken North American continent. You play survivors of the shattered human race trying to rebuild their world after nearly a century of alien predation and war. 

It is now a world of great change but also great opportunity; a strange world to explore and to forge a new home in. With the collapse of modern civilization, survivors must return to the old ways, find inspiration and knowledge utilized by frontiersmen and native people who lived and prospered in North America centuries before.

The After features new playable races, new Arcane Backgrounds, new Edges and Hindrances, additional rules to evoke the unique feeling of the setting – including scavenging, item decay and deterioration, a Bestiary of foes, and an extensive Gazetteer of the Wind River region of Modern Wyoming.

The War is over. The Enemy has gone. Reclaim the Earth with The After, now available for Savage Worlds from DriveThruRPG.

This book requires Savage Worlds Adventure Edition to play.