Matt Cutter Chats on #rpgnet Friday

Published On: March 28, 2017Categories: News

Savage Worlds Interviews on the WebOur own Matthew Cutter is on the #rpgnet chat schedule for an interview this Friday, March 31, 8:30–10:30 Central. “Listen” as he gives you the low-down on the new Pinnacle Kickstarter for The Goon™ for Savage Worlds.

Be sure to join in! He’s also our Deadlands Big Bug, an amazing editor, a guitar player and singer in a rock ‘n’ roll band, and plain-ol’ interesting dude.

If you can’t make it, be sure to read the transcript afterward on The Hardboiled GMShoe’s Office #rpgnet* interviews. But, really, isn’t it more exciting to be part of the conversation?

* Nope, #rpgnet and aren’t the same. Get the details here.

Yes, I want to hear about new products, sales, and news from the community!
