Midpoint for the Deadlands: Night Train 25th Anniversary Kickstarter

Published On: October 17, 2023Categories: Crowdfunding, News

Two weeks ago, we launched our current Kickstarter for the Deadlands: Night Train 25th Anniversary Boxed Set, and already almost 1,600 of you brave souls have helped stoked the firebox to get us past our original $5,000 goal, with $100K approaching fast!

For those new to the campaign, this new blood-soaked Boxed Set includes a 72-page book, full-color pawns, fold-out Combat Maps, new Archetypes, and a commemorative Wild Die. We’re also tossing in a new, updated collection of Wendigo Tales featuring 10 classic stories of the Weird West from Shane Lacy Hensley, John Goff, Matt Forbeck, Timothy Brian Brown, Lester Smith, and John Wick.

This hardback collection of fright-tastic fiction is included with every pledge tier! That’s a $25 book for FREE, amigo, just for boarding the Night Train!

If you haven’t yet hopped onto our latest Kickstarter, make your way there now to review the various Rewards and Add-Ons, and pledge your support for the Deadlands: Night Train 25th Anniversary Boxed Set!