Monster Hunters Club: A New Savage Worlds Actual Play on Twitch

Published On: April 12, 2022Categories: Events, Media, News

“It is 1985, and the kids of Gulf Haven, Alabama are about to have the summer of their dreams! But when the body of a local teen is found, it quickly becomes clear this might actually be their worst nightmare.”

Join Candace McAfee (you might remember Candace from last year’s ETU: Study Abroad Actual Play) as she slides behind the GM screen for the Monster Hunters Club, a licensed setting for Savage Worlds from Fabled Environments, premiering this Friday (April 15th) at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific, on the toddmoonbounce channel, only on Twitch.

Check out the creepy teaser video on YouTube (not available on VHS) and get your BMX bikes ready.

Candace promises a totally gnarly, horror-filled good time!