More FGU College Classes PLUS Symposium on Twitch

Published On: April 20, 2021Categories: Events, Media, News

If you have a working headset and a Discord account, sign up today for one or more FREE Fantasy Grounds College classes, game sessions, and symposiums covering everything from Getting Started with SWADE to Basic Character Creation to GMing your own games in Fantasy Grounds!

The next batch of classes, sessions, and symposiums includes:
  • GM 101 (SWADE) in FG Unity – Wednesday (tomorrow) at 10:30pm Eastern (7:30pm Pacific)
  • The Ritual – SWADE Introduction Game (Game) – Friday, April 23rd at 6:00pm Eastern (3:00pm Pacific)
  • Savage Worlds Symposium Q&A with Jodi Black (Chief Operations Officer for Pinnacle Entertainment Group) and Amy Marshall (VTT Conversion Project Manager) as well as Fantasy Grounds Community Manager Savage_Doswelk (Kevin) – Sunday, April 25th at 3:00 Eastern (Noon Pacific) on Twitch
  • Character Creation 101 in Unity (SWADE) – Monday, April 26th at 10:30pm Eastern (7:30pm Pacific)

To find out more, join the Fantasy Grounds College Discord server, check out the Facebook Community, and visit the Fantasy Grounds College website where you can register for these and other upcoming sessions.

FG College not only offers online classes that teach you how to use Fantasy Grounds, the community also offers a great networking environment for roleplaying gamers to gather, discuss, collaborate, and support the efforts of the FG College community and its members.

Class is in session!