MythBrigade Takes on Savage Worlds—Live on Twitch!

Published On: February 9, 2021Categories: News

MythBrigade is a growing community of avid tabletop roleplaying gamers from all over the US.

Having launched its YouTube presence in 2018 with a series of rules tutorials and immersive roleplay streams, the group has now adopted Savage Worlds as one of its go-to systems!

Jason Jones, the community’s creator and long-time Savage Worlds enthusiast, is currently running a homebrew Deadlands campaign titled The Curse of Black Ridge Mine!

“The story follows a posse of swindlers and outcasts as they search for a legendary supply of ghost rock,” Jones said. “Oh, and the map they’re following to get there happens to be scarred into the slippery hide of a young bounty they were sent to apprehend!”

Originally premiering back in May of 2020 and now on its (lucky!) 13th episode, the story blossoms as the posse learns more than they’d ever wanted to know about young Teddy Smyth, and find themselves at odds with legendary tyrants—the dreaded Futley Brothers!

MythBrigade will be launching further Savage Worlds campaigns in the coming months, leveraging settings like The Last Parsec, Deadlands: Noir, and a homespun superhero setting reminiscent of The Boys.

Catch up with Dobbs, Ash, John and Nate in their race to riches (or ruin) over in their YouTube channel playlist, follow them on Facebook, and join the fun LIVE on Twitch!